On this Veteran's Day, I am more aware than ever of the sacrifice, commitment and incredible steely resolve of our men and women in uniform. Recently, I read an article that perfectly summarized my feelings on this Veteran's Day. We ought to be immensely grateful for a wonderful country and for brave soldiers that have sacrificed so very much. God bless America! Below is an excerpt from that article:
I hope that you will take the time today to express appreciation to those who have worn (and still wear) the military uniform of the United States of America. I trust that your expressions of gratitude will go far beyond the obligatory "thank you." Instead, may we stop, stand tall, look these heroic patriots straight in the eye (while warmly gripping their hand) and say, from the bottom of our hearts, "I sincerely appreciate your service to our country." They didn't do it (and still don't) for our thanks. But, it would be ungrateful, unpatriotic and, in my humble opinion, criminal if we don't say it!